My SEND File

Welcome to your range of easy SEND filing systems and solutions, designed to take the frustration out of your journey, help you to avoid reapeating yourself and allow you to find important...

A-Z of Medical Conditions

From ALLERGIES to ZINSSER-ENGMAN-COLE SYNDROME, you can discover a comprehensive list of most medical conditions affecting children and young people with SEND from the disability charity Contact ( You can also call...

ABA Horizons

ABA Therapy is an early, intensive, and sustained intervention emphasising positive behavior and socialisation that many children on the spectrum need. Our evidence based programmes are based on the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis...

Download our new My SEND Library App

My SEND Library is your very own handheld SEND Library. A comprehensive SEND resource and training tool for young people, parents, carers and professionals.  It is designed with years of experience and...

Short breaks-What is it?

Information from Sometimes families who have disabled children and/or health conditions benefit from a break from their caring responsibilities. Local authorities now have duties to provide short break services and make clear...

Introducing Rix Multi Me Toolkit

The development of our project MY SEND File has lead us to a fantastic digital version that will change your life! The Rix Multi Me Toolkit is a secure, person centred, comprehensive,...