Join the Purple London Campaign, disability friendly, inclusive and affordable!

Among our many projects to bring awareness, the title refers to our latest project and in response to the cost-of-living crisis, which has a disproportionately adverse effect on our cohort of families.

There is a £274 billion pounds a year spending power by people with disability & families. Businesses are losing out by not creating products and services that cater for disabled people and are not inclusive. We were inspired by Mike Adams campaign ‘We Are Purple’ and we aim to turn London ‘purple’, disability friendly, inclusive and affordable. The purple pound refers to the spending power of disabled households in the UK and Globally.

We are passionate about helping local businesses in London understand the lives of disabled young people, and their families and how minor changes can make a world of difference. In turn, these businesses will help families live in a more inclusive society where inclusive thinking is not a special provision but the norm.

The Purple London Campaign is about creating a London SEND Discount Card that businesses can sign up to, allow families better and affordable access to most if not all of London, and enable them to live a better quality of life as a whole.

Currently, you can only get the London SEND Discount Card once you have purchased a Max Card. For the Max Card visit our shop at:

To find out more about our PURPLE LONDON CAMPAIGN at


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